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At Live Free Wellness, Marrisa Axelrod sincerely cares about your well-being. Marrisa is a mother to a rainbow baby boy, a breast cancer warrior (survivor) and an avid surfer with over 23 years of sobriety, attended Nursing School and holds a Bachelor's in Nursing, a Master's in Public Health, is an Alternative Healing Practitioner (Reiki, Breathwork and Siwa Murti) and is a Certified Personal Trainer.  She works with those affected by life’s challenges, whether cancer or the depth of hardships, customizing a program focusing on the body, mind, spirit and health.  Marrisa has spent her career working to improve the life of those she works with through direct care, management of services, and support and guidance for teams and individuals through all stages of life including experiences with grief and trauma, prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum and death and dying. She has a strong passion and calling for wellness, complimentary healing modalities and looks at each individual person holistically. This has lead her down a path of healthy living, exercise, fitness, nutrition, and expanding the mind and releasing the traumas of our past. Combining her medical knowledge and expertise as an Alternative Healing Practitioner, Marrisa is able to provide a holistic specialized treatment plan looking at each individual persons needs.  Live Free Wellness is ready to help you create a powerful shift in living! Contact Marrisa today

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